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По умолчанию фики отображаются в алфавитном порядке по названию.
Название | Автор | Переводчик | Статус | Фандом | Дата |
Smite Your Bitch Up | eighth_horizon | 104 | translated | SPN | 24.02.2009 |
Bare boned and crazy for you | Jay Tryfanstone | 80 миль в час | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Teen!Antichrist verse | smallcaps | 80 миль в час | in process | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
Gone Fishing | de_nugis | 80 миль в час | in process | SPN | 27.03.2011 |
Almost at home | balefully | 80 миль в час | in process | RPS | 21.03.2009 |
I Gotta Roll, Can't Stand Still | ordinarily | 80 миль в час | translated | SPN | 21.03.2009 |
The King's hound | Jay Tryfanstone | 80 миль в час | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
South China Sea | tabaqui | 80 миль в час | translated | RPS | 05.05.2010 |
Two's a company | embee123 | 80 миль в час | in process | RPS | 28.05.2009 |
All the pretty, pretty ones | Jay Tryfanstone | 80 миль в час | translated | RPS | 16.02.2011 |
She's A Handsome Woman | hkath | Afaviva | in process | RPS | 07.02.2010 |
Tomorrow, when the apricots are ripe | Jay Tryfanstone | Ailine | in process | RPS | 07.08.2011 |
Kant`s dove | Jay Tryfanstone | alexandra bronte | in process | SPN | 13.06.2011 |
we will still need a song | forallthewords & freedom_jones | alexandra bronte | in process | RPS | 06.06.2011 |
In This Hollow Valley | xxamlaxx | alexandra bronte | translated | SPN | 13.06.2011 |
Worth the Price? | D8rkmessngr | Alix | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Baby Daddy | Jay Tryfanstone | Andrew | in process | RPS | 05.06.2011 |
The Killing Moon | Poisontaster | Andrew | translated | SPN | 05.06.2011 |
Desperate Times | hemrage | Andrew | translated | RPS | 27.11.2009 |
Kiss me with a bullet | Sinestrated | Atlantida | translated | RPS | 10.05.2011 |
Rules of engagement | Sinestrated | Atlantida | translated | RPS | 10.05.2011 |
The plain of lethe | meyerlemon | Atlantida | translated | SPN | 10.05.2011 |
The book of Daniel | thenyxie | Atlantida | in process | SPN | 10.05.2011 |
Killer Romаnce!verse | saone77 | Atlantida | in process | RPS | 05.07.2011 |
On a wing and a prayer | Sinestrated | Atlantida | in process | SPN | 10.05.2011 |
In a Mirror Distorted and Indistinct | felisblanco | Atlantida | translated | RPS | 28.03.2011 |
Encyclopedia of Weirdness | Kentameadowwolf | atropo, alla spiattellata, Elga, Naturka, Safran | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Boy's story time | audeamus22 | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 25.03.2009 |
Break My Stride | Erin | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 08.11.2008 |
Day Fanfic Turned Jared and Jensen Gay and Totally Ruined Their Lives Forever | hanncoll | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 25.03.2009 |
It Always Seems Like a Good Idea at the Time | Joyfulgirl | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Man's best friend | belyste | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Buy One, Get One Free | stellamira | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Bound | sinoftheday | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Open doors | light_up | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Beds That Have No Answer | embroiderama | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
J2 crack ficlet | esorlehcar | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
This Kiss | sammyndeansgrl1 | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Don't Talk With Your Mouth Full + сиквел к нему | sammyndeansgrl1 | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
When you call my name, I know my life's begun | verbalavalanche | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Let Us Compare Mythologies | cjmarlowe | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 25.03.2009 |
Good Idea | jasmasson | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Parasomnia | emerald_angel9 | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Don't You Just Love Technology? + сиквел к нему by sammyndeansgrl1 | sammyndeansgrl1 | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Fourth Wall | Raina | bauhinia | translated | RPS | 25.03.2009 |
Small Small World | dragonspell | Big Bang | in process | RPS | 16.05.2011 |
Hollywood Apocalypse | hils | Big Bang | in process | RPS | 16.12.2010 |
Nowhere Between Heaven and Hell | Obsessed One | Big Bang | in process | RPS | 21.12.2010 |
Aspect of Illusion | lilyleia78 | Big Bang | in process | SPN | 08.06.2011 |
On the Dodge | Candle Beck | Big Bang | in process | SPN | 28.12.2009 |
Countdown | villiageidiot | bitterherb | translated | RPS | 13.05.2009 |
We were supposed to be together | maddonna001 | bitterherb | in process | SPN | 21.05.2009 |
Abide | sevenfists | Bri | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
In Our Summer Skin | flipmontigirl | Bri | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Moving On | Kat | bypath | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
If Jensen was gay | xxshow_girlxx | bypath | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Well They Said You Was High Class | Impertinence | bypath | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Midnight Lullaby | annkiri | bypath | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Life in monochrome | fleshflutter | bypath | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Fairytale Gone Bad | cyndrarae | bypath | in process | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
If you have to ask, you'll never know | traveller | bypath | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Happily ever after... my ass! | sassangel | Chocobaby | in process | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
What Remains | walkawayslowly | darkline | in process | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Stranger Than Fiction | thenyxie | Dean Winchester. | in process | SPN | 25.06.2009 |
Beautiful Disaster | thenyxie | Dean Winchester. | in process | RPS | 25.03.2009 |
Pour Away the Ocean | kroki_refur | de_maria_na | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Raising Pyramids | felisblanco | de_maria_na | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Incognito (драббл) | felisblanco | de_maria_na | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Wrong Place, Wrong Time | infinitemoments | de_maria_na | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Supernatural Facebook | MsMKT86 | de_maria_na | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
For What It's Worth | Brevanna | de_maria_na | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
For the Very First Time (драббл) | felisblanco | de_maria_na | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Blow out the candles I still hear them say (Wishes come true in this special way) | felisblanco | de_maria_nа | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Two colors in his head | oxoniensis (Signe) | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Someone else's days | oxoniensis (Signe) | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Perfect Working Order | lazy_daze | Elga | translated | RPS | 16.05.2011 |
Brand Spanking New | lazy_daze&mickeym | Elga | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Tuscarora Cemetery | Tuscarora Cemetery | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
And the cool, green hills of earth | ignipes | Elga | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Evil!Sam and priest!Dean | fleshflutter | Elga | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Smirk | tigriswolf | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Don't Look Back (It's a Funeral) | fleshflutter | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
PS I Love You | pheebs1 | Elga | translated | SPN | 16.05.2011 |
Dire Times | britomart_is | Elga | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
You see me like no-one saw me before | fleshflutter | Elga | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Iron Man J2 AU drabble | poor_choices (longsufferingly) | Elga | translated | RPS | 06.01.2011 |
Five Times Jensen Ackles Regretted Moving In With Jared Padalecki | poor_choices (longsufferingly) | Elga | translated | RPS | 06.01.2011 |
Like Ashes | oxoniensis (Signe) | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Or Die Trying | britomart_is | Elga | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Lights Out | Ru_salki99 | Elga | in process | SPN | 16.05.2011 |
Crazy Elephant Bones | Claire (moonlettuce) | Elga | translated | SPN | 16.05.2011 |
Strained | Downfall35 | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Intervention | dotfic | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Back seat | dotfic | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
And now you are and i am now and we're a mystery | oxoniensis (Signe) | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Now it's cold, now it isn't | oxoniensis (Signe) | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Someone must get hurt (and it won't be me) | fleshflutter | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Kiss Me, Son of God | Bella Temple | Elga | in process | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Arctic Radar | victoria p. | Elga | translated | SPN | 06.05.2009 |
Under a sky that is grey on sand that is grey by an ocean that is grey | winter baby | Elga | translated | SPN | 06.05.2009 |
Now Done Darkness | pogrebin | Elga | translated | SPN | 06.05.2009 |
Timestamp for "This thing of ours" | fleshflutter | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Оnly at evening, as he returns | smilla02 | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Castiel, Angel of Midol | drabblewriter | Elga | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
The Thing With Feathers | Bella Temple | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Mutual Fangirling | poor_choices | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
I'm Sticking With You | poor_choices | Elga | translated | RPS | 16.05.2011 |
Love actually | poor_choices | Elga | translated | RPS | 27.12.2010 |
Echoes Fall Off Me | dotfic | Elga | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Double-Bluff | lazy_daze | Elga | translated | RPS | 01.06.2011 |
Dimensions and Verticals | Bella Temple | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
My Superhero Boyfriend | victoria p. | Elga | translated | SPN | 24.03.2010 |
When hope fades | tigriswolf | Elga | translated | SPN | 02.12.2009 |
Twilight, as retold starring Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles | chash | Elga | translated | RPS | 28.01.2010 |
To Everyone Who Thinks Sam Looks Like a Puppy: You Have No Fucking Idea, by Dean Winchester | moonythestrals | Elga | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Five Interesting Things That Happened to Sam and Dean in Various Public Restrooms | stephanometra | Elga | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Top Thirty Dean Winchester Facts | madam-rosmerta | Elga | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Hitting the High Notes | oxoniensis (Signe) | Elga | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
My Eyes Are An Ocean | entangled_now | Elga | in process | SPN | 22.06.2011 |
This thing of ours | fleshflutter | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
The everlasting gaze | fleshflutter | Elga | translated | SPN | 02.12.2009 |
This is a land could eat a man alive | oxoniensis (Signe) | Elga | translated | SPN | 02.12.2009 |
Buried in the skin | oxoniensis (Signe) | Elga | translated | SPN | 02.12.2009 |
Sacrificial Virgins Are Go! | penelope_z | Elga | translated | SPN | 02.12.2009 |
Girl!Dean ficlet | fleshflutter | Elga | translated | SPN | 02.12.2009 |
Other Ways and Means | causeways | Elga | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
This Call Cannot be Completed as Dialed | albydarned | Elga | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
101 Dalmatians (or why Dean Winchester suddenly starts barking) | benitle | Elga | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Сat!Castiel fic | shaggydogstail | Elga | translated | SPN | 24.03.2010 |
Every Word a Piece of My Heart | smilla840 | Elga | in process | SPN | 01.06.2011 |
If I had died, I would have never felt sad at all | fleshflutter | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
The things which I have seen I now can see no more | lunabee34 | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
But What Are Your Thoughts on Yaoi? | chash | Elga | translated | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
Halosexual | pagiel | Elga | translated | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
Emo | boonies | Elga | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Драбблы: First breath out of the water; Never be empty; And Who Will Save Him?; See, a world in black and red; Just Wanna Have Fun; Explosions in the Sky; Perpetuum mobile; Ginger; Tally. | oxoniensis (Signe) | Elga | translated | SPN | 24.03.2010 |
Don’t ever play with guns | tigriswolf | Elga | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
A Thousand Miles From Nowhere | ignipes | Elga & Wayward | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
An Unlikely Pair | liquid_nitrogen & deviant_dev | Elga & Wayward | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
When Siblings eAttack | eighth_horizon | Elga&фрутти | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
SPN-Twilight crossover, ep. 1&2 | Nimloth87 | Elga, Ayumi Lemura | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Terraform | james | evenover | in process | RPS | 26.12.2009 |
Here to the Left of You | nu-breed | evenover | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
The QueensGuard | aramuin | evenover | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board | thenyxie | evenover | translated | RPS | 13.12.2009 |
Dating for Dummies | sevenfists | evenover | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Alpha Beta Omega: of Winchesters and alphabet soup (статья) | technosage | evenover | translated | SPN | 22.11.2010 |
A Necklace Made of Need | mickeym | evenover | translated | SPN | 16.04.2010 |
Show Me Yours (I'll Show You Mine) | mickeym | evenover | translated | SPN | 16.04.2010 |
I'm Not Even Sure This Needs a Title | mistyzeo | evenover | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Ascalon | Candle Beck | evenover | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
The Queensguard: The Knight's gambit | aramuin | evenover | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Open up for all to see | thenyxie | evenover | translated | RPS | 25.01.2009 |
Just Deserts | pandarus | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Things We Don't Talk About | juicefine | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Little Red Hoodie Sam | malcolm_stjay | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
The One Where Dean Turns Into a Talking Cat | ifyouweremine | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
New jerusalem | traveller | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Everything I Know About Marine Biology I Learned from My Brother | kroki_refur | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Riptide | paxlux | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Silence | paxlux | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
That seven-letter word | mikhale | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 18.06.2009 |
My red thoughts in a red shade | smilla02 | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
No Quarters | traveller | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 18.06.2009 |
High Up On The Hill | paxlux | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Indigo Blooms in the Kingdom of Hesperus | leonidaslion | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 27.12.2009 |
Tested by Fire | chasingtides | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 27.11.2008 |
Gifted | smilla02 | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Formal Test of Fitness | smilla02 | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Insert title here | paxlux | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Give me back the Berlin Wall | Mistress Kat | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 11.04.2009 |
Black, White, Red | Mistress Kat | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 11.04.2009 |
So Red It's Almost Black | paxlux | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
New world coming | olivia j.h. | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Драбблы: apt pupil; when legends die; weakness; to the end; bonedust; Everything he gave to us took all he had; into a world reborn; Jesus was an only son; in Texas, the talk turned to outlaws. | tigriswolf | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Драбблы: those next times which never come; turn of the blade; to sleep through the night; Two, of course there are two; patricide; You’ll never know how much I love you; east of Eden he was cast. | tigriswolf | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Драбблы: thicker than; there’s never a winner of the quickdraw; I could give; let it end here; this is how it ends; the sound of silence screaming; midway between the wing and the leg. | tigriswolf | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Distillation | paxlux | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Драбблы: honey and peanut butter; death close following pace for pace, not mounted yet on his pale horse; attaining the pinnacle; brother, you are bloodred. | tigriswolf | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Black And White | smilla02 | E_Lain | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Ten thousand miles | mimblexwimble | E_Lain & Loki | in process | SPN | 04.03.2010 |
Problems With Easy Solutions | Erin | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | RPS | 28.04.2011 |
Caught Ya | spiders_stars | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | RPS | 28.04.2011 |
The Fanboy Complex | spiders_stars | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
Eager | dreamlittleyo | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | SPN | 22.06.2011 |
Swept Away | sakura_no_mi | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | RPS | 10.05.2011 |
Better off Claimed | spiders_stars | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | SPN | 19.10.2011 |
Between Brothers | dragonspell | Fata_Morgana13 | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Цикл фиков | Phantisma | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
The Video | spiders_stars | Fata_Morgana13 | in process | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
Breeders | savorvrymoment | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | RPS | 19.10.2011 |
Trinity Knot | Common Thing | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | RPS | 05.06.2011 |
The Padalecki Curse | spiders_stars | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | RPS | 20.03.2011 |
Back Against the Wall | savorvrymoment | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
Mardi Gras | darkhavens | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | SPN | 05.06.2011 |
No Lie | fooleyed | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | SPN | 05.06.2011 |
Say It | Ello_Kitty | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | SPN | 22.06.2011 |
Between Boys | spiders_stars | Fata_Morgana13 | translated | RPS | 10.05.2011 |
Why hello, Hello Kitty | ksock | Fate | translated | SPN | 21.04.2011 |
Damn Witches | andreth47 | Fate | translated | SPN | 21.04.2011 |
and if i don't make it known | blue_soaring | Fate | translated | RPS | 21.04.2011 |
Two Times | poppymoon3 | Fate | translated | SPN | 21.04.2011 |
(Every Heart is a Package) Tangled Up in Knots Someone Else Tied | cherie_morte | Fate | in process | SPN | 13.06.2011 |
The One with the Pandas in It | beckaandzac | Fate | in process | RPS | 19.10.2011 |
It's No Secret (That He Likes You) | akintay | Fate | translated | RPS | 13.06.2011 |
Like A Handprint | lazy_daze | Fate | translated | SPN | 21.04.2011 |
Serendipity | privilegedesire | Fate | translated | RPS | 24.05.2011 |
Old Country | astolat | Fate и Фиолетовая Лиса | in process | SPN | 21.04.2011 |
Boys of Summer | ignipes | Feuerchen | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
1621 Coachman Lane | torch | Feuerchen | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Put That Thing Back Where It Came From | egoteprovoco | Feuerchen | in process | SPN | 27.07.2008 |
Fading Silouhets | indysaur | fire*n*dust | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Talking Points | Winterlive | fire*n*dust | in process | 07.08.2011 | |
Danse Fambeaux | winterlive | fire*n*dust | in process | RPS | 06.01.2011 |
Numquam Iam Posthac Basia Surripiam | poor_choices | fire*n*dust | in process | RPS | 27.12.2010 |
The Jensen Ackles is an 80s Hooker Story | poor_choices | fire*n*dust | in process | RPS | 27.12.2010 |
Mirror, Mirror | poor_choices | fire*n*dust | in process | RPS | 27.12.2010 |
My Name Is Trouble | poor_choices | fire*n*dust | in process | RPS | 27.12.2010 |
History like bones | tabaqui | fire*n*dust | in process | RPS | 13.06.2011 |
Last Line | Dartmouth | fire*n*dust | in process | 18.11.2010 | |
It's Stuck In Me | sammyndeansgrl1 | First of May | translated | RPS | 22.07.2008 |
Hard-Loving Loser | tracy_loo_who | Flying-Jib | in process | SPN | 10.05.2011 |
Veterans of the Psychic Wars | kalireynn and kellwyntar | foina_cale | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
A Season for Misunderstandings | Jeddy | foina_cale | in process | RPS | 06.12.2010 |
THX | The Huntress | Gianeya | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Bring It On Home | obstinatrix | gleanna & Viole2xta | in process | SPN | 15.06.2011 |
Monsters in the closet | fryadvocate | greenkenguroo | translated | SPN | 27.08.2008 |
Драббл | The Arthur Dodger | Grethen | translated | RPS | 27.12.2010 |
Das Familien Geheimnis | Hermmy | himi | in process | SPN | 23.05.2009 |
Two Hundred Miles Down a Dead-End Road | Carol Davis | Igrushka13 | in process | SPN | 03.05.2011 |
All the times we were me and you | fleshflutter | in between days | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
10 Strangers | mandysbitch | in between days | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
To Everyone Who Thinks Sam Looks Like a Puppy: You Have No Fucking Idea, by Dean Winchester | themoonythestrals | in between days | in process | SPN | 18.06.2009 |
Bad Company | astolat | in between days | translated | SPN | 09.10.2008 |
All drowning men know the color of the sea | olivia h.j. | in between days | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Farther than guns will go | olivia h.j. | in between days | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Bad Blood | astolat | in between days | translated | SPN | 09.10.2008 |
Lingering in the golden dream | causeway | Indian | in process | RPS | 22.07.2008 |
Common Knowledge | elucreh | jana_nox | in process | RPS | 05.05.2010 |
That Kindergarten AU I Can’t Believe I’m Writing | Troll Princess | jana_nox | translated | RPS | 16.04.2010 |
Only after disaster can we be ressurected | chaze_acow | Jekiny | translated | RPS | 23.07.2008 |
In the Family way | truelyesoteric | Jekiny | in process | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Hostile Takeover | emerald_angel9 | Joilet | in process | RPS | 06.10.2008 |
Leap that makes the fall | MissAnnThropic | JuliaDomna | in process | SPN | 19.10.2011 |
Learning To Breathe | jassy3399 | K. Neff | in process | SPN | 19.07.2011 |
Fall into ash | Corona | ki-chen | translated | SPN | 10.10.2008 |
Nuclear Winter | philomel | Kidda | translated | SPN | 24.04.2011 |
If You Thought That Was Screwed Up | keepaofthecheez | Kirrsten | translated | 26.11.2009 | |
And I wake Up Blind, Like My Dreames Were Too Bright | strangeandcharm | Kirrsten | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
I’ve Seen the Future, Brother (it is Murder) | kroki_refur | Kirrsten | translated | SPN | 06.07.2011 |
Harvest | astolat | Kirrsten | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Tomorrow's Snow | not_refined | Kirrsten | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Impossible Things Before Breakfast | tigbit | Kirrsten | translated | RPS | 06.07.2011 |
One Year, Four Month | not_refined | Kirrsten | translated | SPN | 25.01.2009 |
Chasing the Sky | daymarket | Kirrsten | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Smitten | fleshflutter | Kirrsten | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Five Times Jensen Quit Smoking | lemmealone | Kirrsten | translated | RPS | 25.01.2009 |
They're Real | amoore_9778 | Kirrsten | translated | SPN | 21.09.2008 |
To Bitch, With Love From Jerk | dotfic | Klever | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Pleiades | felisblanco | ktj | translated | SPN | 20.06.2011 |
Dreaming long grass and birds on the wire | oxoniensis (Signe) | ktj | translated | SPN | 21.02.2011 |
You Spin My Head Right Round | quasianpride | ktj | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Out Ta Get Me | cream_fudge | ktj | translated | RPS | 20.06.2011 |
Grabby Hands | jeyhawk | ktj | translated | RPS | 20.06.2011 |
Hitori Kakurenbo | vail_kagami | La Calavera Catrina | in process | SPN | 19.10.2011 |
It's the Capital of Sweden, Dean | strangeandcharm | Lady Annabelle | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
The Ultimate Gay Test 2 or The Padalecki Plan of Penetration | felisblanco | Lakimi | translated | RPS | 19.04.2011 |
This Is How It Feels | nu_breed | Lakimi | translated | RPS | 02.03.2011 |
Just Slide Down My Pole to the Fire In My Pants | Paddywhack | Lakimi | translated | RPS | 13.06.2011 |
The Ultimate Gay Test or Whether Or Not To Lick Jensen Ackles | felisblanco | Lakimi | translated | RPS | 19.04.2011 |
Animal Instinct | nu_breed | Lakimi | translated | RPS | 06.02.2011 |
The muse | 13chapters | Lakimi | translated | RPS | 06.02.2011 |
Про Джареда вуайериста и Дженсена эксгибициониста | poor_choices (longsufferingly) | Lakimi | translated | RPS | 06.02.2011 |
Use me | bimosexual | Lakimi | translated | RPS | 06.02.2011 |
Sanctuary | house_of_lantis | Lakimi | in process | RPS | 13.06.2011 |
First Impressions | ancastar | Lakimi | translated | RPS | 24.04.2011 |
Process of the Taking | antiship | lilith20godrich | in process | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Inseparable | astolat | lilith20godrich | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Further And Further Out | cottonmouth | Lilu | in process | SPN | 29.11.2009 |
Smoke gets in my eyes | fleshflutter | Lilu | translated | SPN | 29.11.2009 |
Roads | Candle Beck | Lilu | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Fair Exchange | Annie46 | Lilu | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Between Yes and No | bree_black | littledoctor | translated | SPN | 07.08.2011 |
Which Follows Wherever You Go | vail-kagami | littledoctor | in process | SPN | 07.08.2011 |
Bright Afternoon Sunlight | vail-kagami | littledoctor | in process | SPN | 07.08.2011 |
A Necessary Evil (or How the Angels Stopped the Apocalypse After All) | vail-kagami | littledoctor | in process | SPN | 07.08.2011 |
Turn Your Back | vail-kagami | littledoctor | in process | SPN | 07.08.2011 |
Running both ways | bree_black | littledoctor | in process | SPN | 07.08.2011 |
Cliché | bree_black | littledoctor | in process | SPN | 07.08.2011 |
Plans I Make Still Have You in Them | thenyxie | Liv Niggle | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Threads | juicefine | Liv Niggle | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Day Before Hell | fleshflutter | Liv Niggle | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Moon is gold and silvery | ygrawn | Liv Niggle | translated | SPN | 29.11.2009 |
One more silver dollar | traveller | Liv Niggle | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Double-dutch | traveller | Liv Niggle | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Flying Weight | fleshflutter | Loki | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Small Small World | dragonspell | Loki | translated | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
maybe it's what we don't say that saves us | maerhys | Loki | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
still the empty hands in which the hours never pool | maerhys | Loki | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
the probable future | vinylroad | Loki | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Both | faege | Loki | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
born to all of the days that end in blue | maerhys | Loki | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Over Here At The Side Of Your Life | fleshflutter | Loki | translated | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
if they send the wolves, I’ll join the wolves | paxlux | Loki | translated | SPN | 26.04.2011 |
The Bitch Of it Is | tinalia | Loki | translated | RPS | 02.06.2011 |
You're a Real Fucking Page-Turner | standing_fic | Loki | translated | RPS | 26.04.2011 |
In a Mirror Distorted and Indistinct (второй перевод) | felisblanco | Loki | translated | RPS | 02.06.2011 |
maybe it's what we don't say that saves us | maerhys | Loki | in process | SPN | 16.05.2011 |
born to all of the days that end in blue | maerhys | Loki | in process | SPN | 16.05.2011 |
The Old Gods Return | fleshflutter | Loki | in process | SPN | 22.05.2011 |
over here at the side of your life | fleshflutter | Loki | in process | RPS | 22.05.2011 |
still the empty hands in which the hours never pool | maerhys | Loki | in process | SPN | 16.05.2011 |
The Custom of Fell Deeds | maraceles | Loki | translated | SPN | 26.04.2011 |
After the tone | kashmir1 | Lynn | translated | RPS | 28.01.2010 |
Keepsake | indysaur | Lynn | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Here By My Side | allie_quixotic | Lynn | translated | RPS | 04.03.2010 |
The Prince, the Other Prince, and the Pea | Ancasta | Lynn | in process | RPS | 16.05.2011 |
Kisses (or 'the one where jared and jensen do europe') | deliterature | Lynn | translated | RPS | 28.01.2010 |
Five Times Dean and Sam had to Fuck-or-Die | smallcaps | Lynn | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Disquisition | bittersplendor | Lynn | translated | RPS | 28.01.2010 |
We're counting the seconds | mijmeraar | Lynn | translated | RPS | 04.03.2010 |
Different Girl | knittedshadow | Lynn | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
The density of water | maboheme | Lynn | translated | RPS | 04.03.2010 |
Butterflies and Hurricanes | audrarose | Lynn | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
The End Of The Journey Is Where You Begin | drvsilla | Lynn | in process | RPS | 06.12.2010 |
Smile For Me, Baby | Amber/affectingly | Lynn | translated | RPS | 28.01.2010 |
We Are Trains, Riding Hobo-Style | silentpoetry1 | Lynn | translated | RPS | 04.03.2010 |
Redemption | ancastar | Lynn & Addie Dee | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Do I seem bulletproof to you? | fleshflutter | Lynn и Violent_Violet | in process | RPS | 16.05.2011 |
Restore from saved draft | twoskeletons | Maria DeLarge | translated | SPN | 20.06.2011 |
The Best is yet to be | cherie_morte | Maria DeLarge | translated | SPN | 27.07.2011 |
Perpetual Motion | cherie_morte | Maria DeLarge | in process | SPN | 24.05.2011 |
Oh, it's love | fleshflutter | Maria DeLarge | translated | SPN | 27.05.2011 |
whose wings, though tattered... | fleshflutter | Maria DeLarge | in process | SPN | 27.05.2011 |
Generosity | astolat | Maria DeLarge | translated | SPN | 27.07.2011 |
Beneath the surface | the_dark_fire | Marvira | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
It's only a job: Trash!verse | emerald_angel9 | Moll_y | in process | RPS | 28.12.2009 |
Real Long Distance | light_up | Molo | translated | RPS | 08.06.2009 |
There's a devil waiting outside your door | fleshflutter | Molo | in process | SPN | 13.06.2009 |
Ryan meets Sam in Starbucks | fleshflutter | Molo | translated | SPN | 10.06.2009 |
The King of Imperfection Takes Back the Prince of Mistakes | britomart_is | Molo | translated | SPN | 26.12.2009 |
I'm not listening when you say | skiba_grant | Molo | translated | RPS | 09.06.2009 |
Thought You’d Never Ask | wildwordwomyn | Molo | translated | RPS | 09.06.2009 |
Melting point + его продолжения | strangeandcharm | Molo | in process | SPN | 25.01.2009 |
The Secret Life of Heroes | fatale | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 04.01.2010 |
Fragment | ygrawn | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Five Times Dean Told Sam He Loved Him | furiouscupofcat | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Blue Dog on a Yellow Couch | cathybites | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 19.05.2010 |
Of Downy Soft Pillows and Your Face Next to Mine | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
8 times out of 10 | ash_carpenter | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
There Is Nothing Fancy About The Way I love You | mikeyrhcp | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 07.12.2009 |
Rough draft | bittersplendor | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 07.12.2009 |
How to Say ‘I Love You’ | Bow a.k.a. bowie28 | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 07.12.2009 |
Better things | bittersplendor | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 04.01.2010 |
The Mindless Euthanasia of a Kiss | arlad | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 07.12.2009 |
Things Sam Has Not Missed About This Life | cupiscent | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
The Taste of You | ianthe-aveira | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
A Rose by Any Other Name (Would Be Just As Gay) | causeways | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 07.12.2009 |
Treat Her Like a Lady | causeways | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
In Which Jared is sick and Jensen Is The Best Cure | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
In Which Jared Discovers He’s Flammable and Jensen Channels Smokey Bear | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
In Which Jared Discovers He's An Idiot And Jensen Whole Heartily Agrees | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
While You Were Sleeping | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
A Picture For the Memories | dollydolittle | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 19.12.2009 |
Black Is The Night | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
You Can’t Tear His Temple Down | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Farther Away from Where We Are | causeways | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Lies and alibis | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
1,2,3,4 (tell me that you love me more) | dollydolittle | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Awakenings | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Party Hearty | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Good girls don't, but I do... | dollydolittle | mon_ombre | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Family Is In The Blood And In The Heart | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Hard Words Softly Spoken | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Johnson High School Blues | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
If I Were Gay | dollydolittle | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Velvet Rope | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Friends Who Listen | Blueeyedliz | mon_ombre | translated | RPS | 19.12.2009 |
That's really helpful, Sam | fleshflutter | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 10.06.2009 |
Larks, Still Bravely Singing | kajikia | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Beside the Machinery, This | moveablehistory | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Just surrender and it won't hurt at all | flipmontigirl | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
People Livin' In Competition | ladyjaida | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
We have no word for love | fleshflutter | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 10.06.2009 |
When Mary is eight, her mom and dad buy her a Barbie doll | fleshflutter | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 10.06.2009 |
Rituale romanum | traveller | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Still I See Monsters | oxoniensis (Signe) | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Deus Ex Machina | moveablehistory | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Chronicles of a vampire cat | Kest | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
All Your Zombies | Kest | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Someone filled up my heart with nothing | flipmontigirl | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Please," Sam says. "You can help me. | fleshflutter | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 10.06.2009 |
Living Among the Dead | fleshflutter | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 18.08.2008 |
Crying of Lot 67 | dark_roast | moody flooder | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Rules of Engagement | dishonestdreams | mystery_spot | in process | RPS | 05.07.2011 |
Not Just Credit Fraud | veritygrey | mzu_2 | translated | SPN | 19.10.2011 |
IDK My BFF Sam | egoteprovoco | mzu_2 | translated | SPN | 19.10.2011 |
This Bitter Earth | art_savage | mzu_2 | translated | SPN | 19.10.2011 |
Hubris | insomnia_geek | mzu_2 | translated | SPN | 06.06.2011 |
Winchester Grading System | roque_clasique | mzu_2 | translated | SPN | 19.10.2011 |
Shutdown | chaletian | mzu_2 [Верба] | translated | SPN | 25.05.2011 |
Art Imitating | vorpalblades | mzu_2 [Верба] | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
You see me like no-one saw me before | fleshflutter | N8N2N | translated | RPS | 04.07.2009 |
Wasted on the Young | causeways | N8N2N | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Take me for what I am/who I was meant to be/and if you give a damn/take me baby/or leave me | memphis86 | N8N2N | translated | RPS | 04.07.2009 |
Accidents Happen | causeways | N8N2N | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
All Trussed Up and Nowhere to Go | thenyxie | N8N2N | translated | RPS | 04.07.2009 |
Always With Me, Always With You | thenyxie | N8N2N | translated | RPS | 04.07.2009 |
Lost and Found | mediaville | Naisica | in process | RPS | 14.12.2009 |
True Colors | munibunny | Naisica и Loki | in process | RPS | 29.10.2008 |
Business and Pleasure | belyste | Naturka | translated | RPS | 08.06.2010 |
Quick as dogs and truly dead were we | flipmontigirl | Naya K | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Boy Who Didn't | flipmontigirl | Naya K | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Alternate Realities | miss_begonia | Naya K | translated | RPS | 22.07.2008 |
Man awoke being dragged across the grass | flipmontigirl | Naya K | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
More Than You Know | nutkin | Naya K | translated | RPS | 22.07.2008 |
Extra, Extra (Read All About It) | sarcasticpixie | Naya K | translated | RPS | 22.07.2008 |
Boy Who Fell | flipmontigirl | Naya K | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
The Duke and I | redsbball61 | NewBadGirl | in process | RPS | 19.05.2011 |
Communication Breakdown | redsbball61 | NewBadGirl | translated | RPS | 19.05.2011 |
Led Zeppelin Sucks | lassiterfics | NewBadGirl | translated | SPN | 19.05.2011 |
And You're Listening to the Sound of My Breaking Heart | akintay | Nightmare | in process | RPS | 21.12.2010 |
Creeping Around In My Head | lazy_daze | Nightmare | in process | RPS | 05.05.2010 |
My Man Ackles | chash | Nightmare | in process | RPS | 21.12.2010 |
Right Now | Vamphile | Nightmare | in process | RPS | 07.02.2010 |
Going Down Swinging | astolat | Nightmare | in process | SPN | 07.02.2010 |
These accidents of faith and nature | fleshflutter | NightN | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Cats rule and dogs drool, or is it the other way around? | dollydolittle | NightN | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Take me off this ship | fleshflutter | NightN | translated | RPS | 19.05.2010 |
The Empty Room | germanjj | NightN | translated | RPS | 26.12.2009 |
Sammy's First Day | DiTab1 | NiKtaDark | in process | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
The Fetters of Fenrir | leonidaslion | Nissa | in process | SPN | 16.04.2010 |
Simply irresistible | Pandarus | Pengi | in process | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
Hug It Out, Bitch | maskedfangirl | Pengi | translated | SPN | 05.07.2011 |
060306 | olivia j.h. | Rassda | translated | SPN | 15.06.2009 |
First Impressions | annella | Rassda | translated | RPS | 24.02.2009 |
Gone is the Darkness | quiet-rebel | Rassda | translated | SPN | 24.02.2009 |
Bunnies | cathybites | Rassda | translated | SPN | 24.02.2009 |
Wilful | lazy_daze | Rassda | translated | RPS | 24.02.2009 |
Living dead girl | fleshflutter | Rassda | translated | SPN | 24.02.2009 |
Pretzels | dotfic | Rassda | translated | SPN | 08.06.2009 |
Eyelash Effect | runedgirl | Rassda | translated | RPS | 14.08.2008 |
My Sorrows Learned to Swim | coffee_in_bed | Rassda | translated | SPN | 08.06.2009 |
Papercut | oxoniensis (Signe) | Rassda | translated | SPN | 08.06.2009 |
That was just your life | messageredacted | Rassda | translated | SPN | 25.03.2009 |
Jump in the Fire | messageredacted | Rassda | translated | SPN | 25.03.2009 |
Orpheus | astolat | Rassda | translated | SPN | 08.06.2009 |
No Rhyme Nor Reason | Astolat | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Safekeeping | olivia j.h. | Rassda | translated | SPN | 15.06.2009 |
Demon’s Gotta Do | happywriter06 | Rassda | translated | SPN | 08.06.2009 |
Forged in the Heat of Battle | Angela Gabriel | Rassda | translated | SPN | 14.08.2008 |
Don't Twizzle Me | nomelon | Rassda | translated | RPS | 14.08.2008 |
Superhero | jezzabe | Rassda | translated | RPS | 20.08.2008 |
Grandcars | derryderrydown | Rassda | translated | SPN | 27.08.2008 |
Sunflower | olivia j.h. | Rassda | translated | SPN | 15.06.2009 |
Wait Until Darkness | olivia j.h. | Rassda | translated | SPN | 15.06.2009 |
Sound is breaking all my bones | oxoniensis (Signe) | Rassda | translated | SPN | 27.11.2008 |
Body Shots | veronamay | Rassda | translated | RPS | 27.11.2008 |
Jared's hair | veronamay | Rassda | translated | RPS | 27.11.2008 |
If we keep living this fast, no one will have time to die | oxoniensis (Signe) | Rassda | translated | SPN | 08.06.2009 |
Woke up new | light-up | Rassda | translated | RPS | 08.06.2009 |
Blood beats black tonight | oxoniensis (Signe) | Rassda | translated | SPN | 27.11.2008 |
Maybe. Never. | happywriter06 | Rassda | translated | SPN | 08.06.2009 |
Marked Man | Angela Gabriel | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Halfhearted | olivia j.h. | Rassda | translated | SPN | 15.06.2009 |
Sin and bone | oxoniensis (Signe) | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
First, Second, Third | Impertinence | Rassda | translated | SPN | 14.08.2008 |
Surrender | sin_of_pride | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Seriously, Zombies | astolat | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Thicker Than Water | valiant | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
The Truth That Hurts | quiet_rebel | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch) | dreamlittleyo | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Never Meant To Be | Tillymint_x | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
What it is like to fall | oxoniensis (Signe) | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Water over stones | olivia j.h. | Rassda | translated | SPN | 15.06.2009 |
Lost | olivia j.h. | Rassda | translated | SPN | 15.06.2009 |
Waiting Games | nutkin | Rassda | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Birds talk to me, if I go down on my knees | olivia j.h. | Rassda | translated | SPN | 15.06.2009 |
Will Hunt the Night and Chase the Road | onelittlesleep | Rassda | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
I've got the rulebook, it's missing pages | oxoniensis (Signe) | Rassda | translated | SPN | 04.12.2008 |
To The End | esohpe | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Way You Do The Things You Do | sammyndeansgrl1 | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Looking for the undertow | oxoniensis (Signe) | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Next Time, Send a Card | Angela Gabriel | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Parting Gifts | Angela Gabriel | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
In Food We Trust | Angela Gabriel | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Cat Fancy | Angela Gabriel | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Too Much Information | Angela Gabriel | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
How can you sleep with my heart so loud? | oxoniensis (Signe) | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Sunshine State | innie_darling | Rassda | translated | SPN | 02.01.2010 |
Overture | olivia j.h. | Rassda | translated | SPN | 15.06.2009 |
Pied Beauty | pandarus | Rassda | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Skywalkers | Vee017 | Rassda | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Winchester Dentistry | ladyjaida | reken | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
High Wire | Candle Beck | reken | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Smallest Version of Paraguay | sevenfists | reken | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Take a Long Line | derry667 | reken | in process | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Occupational Hazards | rionaleonhart | reken | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
I`m Here For You | crOwnlEssG | Remi.influence aka Elinberg | in process | SPN | 09.12.2010 |
Jealousy (Or The Infamous Plan of One Jensen Ross Ackles) | leafy | Rin Tin Tin | in process | RPS | 16.02.2011 |
Landmarks | estrella30 | Rin Tin Tin | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Of A Sort | ignipes | Rin Tin Tin | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
A Rough Start | ignipes | Rin Tin Tin | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Goofus and Gallant | pavonine | Rin Tin Tin | translated | SPN | 16.02.2011 |
The Girl in the Portrait | ignipes | Rin Tin Tin | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Unfolding | llamainvasion | Rin Tin Tin | in process | RPS | 16.02.2011 |
IDK, my BFF Jensen | mediaville | Rin Tin Tin | translated | RPS | 16.02.2011 |
Tales of the Wild Country | lyra_wing | Rin Tin Tin | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Speechless | Candle Beck | Ripley | in process | SPN | 04.12.2008 |
When it's over | P.L.Wynter | Robin | in process | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Don't they know? (It’s the End of the World) | 1igtning | Saffr0n | in process | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Browser History | entangled_now | Safrane | translated | SPN | 07.06.2011 |
It's A Not-So-Terrible Life | strangeandcharm | Safrane | in process | SPN | 29.11.2010 |
Layers | strangeandcharm | Safrane | translated | SPN | 07.06.2011 |
Cattle Rancher, Convenient Wife | 1ightning | Safrane | translated | RPS | 07.06.2011 |
So Close to My Heart | audrarose | Safrane | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
How The Jensen Stole Christmas | hils | Safrane | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
And the Rest, As they Say, Is History | Raina | Saiana | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project | esohpe | Saiana | in process | RPS | 06.01.2011 |
Real Men Do It In Drag | 1ightning | Saiana | in process | SPN | 22.06.2011 |
The Wrong Thing to Say | Pagiel | Saiana | in process | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
The Hunter and the Bookworm | Melodious329 | Saiana | in process | SPN | 22.06.2011 |
Crystal Closet | cards_slash | Saiana | in process | RPS | 20.06.2011 |
Always By The Book | veronamay | Saiana | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Retribution | myhyperbole | Sarma | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Any Road Will Get You There | Doodle | Sarma | in process | RPS | 08.08.2008 |
Last Fifty Miles | causeways | satu666 | in process | SPN | 13.05.2009 |
Stop Thinking | Extra Onions | satu666 , himi | in process | SPN | 21.05.2009 |
Condemned to be Free | vengeanceangel | satu666 , himi | in process | SPN | 21.05.2009 |
Crush | dutch_chick674 | Schokolade | in process | RPS | 07.08.2011 |
Intent of Desire | TempestQuill (Cassie) | Schokolade | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
It is | truelyesoteric | Slavyanka | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Worth the Wait | fiercelynormal | Solamente_Io | translated | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
Tender Young Confusion | tebtosca | Solamente_Io | translated | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
Of Red Popsicles and Closed Motel Doors | thedreamisreal | Solamente_Io | translated | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Price | ultraviolet9a | Solie | translated | SPN | 07.03.2009 |
Dead Soldiers An Oral History of the End Times | fryadvocate | Solie | in process | SPN | 16.04.2010 |
Every Broken Thing/Heart ’verse | Poisontaster | Talie | in process | SPN | 29.08.2008 |
Greatest of These | dodger_winslow | Talie | translated | SPN | 29.08.2008 |
But Then My Homework Was Never Quite Like This | thenyxie | Toffana | in process | RPS | 07.05.2009 |
Second chances | magser | Valerkind | translated | RPS | 07.08.2011 |
I Can See For Miles | letsgetstarted | Valerkind | in process | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
And the hunter makes three | fryadvocate | Valery | in process | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
As Long As You Smile | loony_moony | Vampirella | in process | RPS | 22.07.2008 |
And I Will Walk On Water | tracy_loo_who | Verde_Inis & timey_wimey_kid | in process | SPN | 21.02.2010 |
Ringing Pavlov's Bell | whereupon | Violent Violet | translated | SPN | 21.02.2010 |
Compels You | lyra_wing | Violent Violet | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Feeling is Freedom | arlad | Violent Violet | translated | RPS | 14.04.2011 |
The Silence of a Summer Morning | wanttobeatree | Violent Violet | translated | SPN | 14.04.2011 |
Two's company | edenbound | Violent Violet | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Completely, Always | edenbound | Violent Violet | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Little Black Book | jeyhawk | Violent Violet | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Even Porn Stars Gotta Eat | airgiodslv | Violent Violet | translated | RPS | 14.04.2011 |
Like Tears In Rain | ysbail | Violent Violet | in process | RPS | 20.03.2011 |
Five Times Sam Left Stanford For Dean | felisblanco | Violent Violet | translated | SPN | 21.02.2010 |
Blue Skies From Rain | Lovesrain44 | Violent Violet | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Revelations | marinarusalka | waiting to leave | in process | SPN | 05.07.2011 |
Драбблы: Necessary, Details, Needs, Don't know much about history, Corrections | eloise bright | Wayward | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Animalia | zionsstarfis | Wayward | translated | SPN | 21.07.2011 |
Popcorn in the Folds of His Trenchcoat | keerawa | Wayward | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Comics - pony series (part 2) | Daunt | Wayward | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Fluid | wave_obscura | Wayward | translated | SPN | 21.07.2011 |
Порнокомикс «Porn x 5» | daggomus_prime | Wayward | translated | SPN | 21.07.2011 |
Birthday Boy | Carol Davis | Wayward | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
The Places You Will Be From | destina | Wayward | translated | RPS | 21.07.2011 |
Парный пикспам к фику mistyzeo Jensen's Dick Is Huge | toronja | Wayward | translated | RPS | 02.02.2011 |
Patients are dicks | ayslin | Wayward | translated | SPN | 21.07.2011 |
Domestic Bliss | Emilia | Wayward | translated | RPS | 14.12.2009 |
Eternally Needing Proof | eighth_horizon | Wayward | translated | RPS | 24.02.2009 |
Witness | damerel | Wayward | translated | SPN | 14.12.2009 |
Comics - pony series (part 3) | Daunt | Wayward | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Фик про Дженсена врача без названия | dev_earl | Wayward | translated | RPS | 19.05.2010 |
The Gift of the Winchester | Carol Davis | Wayward | in process | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Драбблы: In A HeartbeatMany; A Winding Turn; A Glint of a Promise; A Simple Choice; Life In All Its Simplicity and Chaos; What Lies Beneath; One More Burden; Guns Don't Kill People... | felisblanco | Wayward | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Sweet dreams remain | dark_reaction | Wayward | translated | RPS | 06.01.2011 |
Echoes | katriel1987 | Wayward | in process | SPN | 19.12.2009 |
Драбблы: Into My Arms, O Lord; Growing Up; Clothes Make The Man; This Is What I've Done To You; This Is What You Do to me; Honeymoon in Vegas; How Far Does The Apple Fall? | felisblanco | Wayward | translated | SPN | 11.01.2010 |
With you and I defying gravity | tigriswolf | Wayward | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
He swallowed his pride and puckered his lips | Regala Electra | Wayward | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Wishing to be | eloise bright | Wayward | translated | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
Драбблы: Internal Dialogue; Backseat Backchat; Gratitude; Shadow; Perception; The sixth sense; Ownership; Fireworks; Без названия, первая строчка "His boys..." | eloise_bright | Wayward | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Драбблы: Better Than Fiction; You Win; A Tasty Treat; Cruel and Unusual Punishment; Blind Date; In My Dreams, I Am Damned. | felisblanco | Wayward | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Драбблы: What Happens In Vegas...; Belief; Gay Porn. It's Not Just For Women.; In Sickness And In Health; Smile Like You Mean It; Under Your Radar. | felisblanco | Wayward | translated | RPS | 28.01.2010 |
A Very Text-y Christmas | pyroblaze18 | Wayward | translated | RPS | 19.05.2010 |
At night | pixel_0 | Wayward | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Sometimes It's Best Not To Explain | munibunny | Wayward | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Washed up | munibunny | Wayward | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Gold | munibunny | Wayward | in process | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Драбблы: GEOGRAPHY, FOOD COURT, I DON'T DO SHORTS, REMAINS, PERSUASION, GEEKERY | Carol Davis | Wayward | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Magic_Fingers | Mad Server | Wayward | translated | SPN | 11.01.2010 |
Seeing Red | eloise-bright | Wayward | translated | SPN | 11.01.2010 |
Драбблы: Shadowed Secrets; The Power of Caffeine; Highway To Hell; All My Dreams Are Fading; Yours For The Taking; Past Sins; The Closest Thing To Heaven; Reading Between The Lines. | felisblanco | Wayward | translated | SPN | 11.01.2010 |
Whispers | katriel1987 | Wayward | translated | SPN | 21.07.2011 |
Air Strike | eighth_horizon | Wayward | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
TMI | astolat | Wayward | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Драбблы: Situational Ethics; New Town. | dodger_winslow | Wayward | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Драбблы: Left Out; Your Face Is My Canvas; Innocence Kept; Alive and Kissing; And So Here We Are; Protector; Because It's You; His Father's Son; Hiding In Plain Sight; Then and Now. | felisblanco | Wayward | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Saying no | damerel | Wayward | translated | SPN | 19.12.2009 |
Break the lock if it don't fit | fleshflutter | Wayward | in process | SPN | 21.02.2010 |
If That Horse and Cart Falls Down (второй перевод) | chash | Wayward | translated | SPN | 11.01.2010 |
One day, they’ll be unstoppable | tigriswolf | Wayward | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
The Way We Were | Carol Davis | Wayward | in process | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Haunted | Carol Davis | Wayward | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
From a Scream to a Whisper | embroiderama | Wayward | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
The Gospel According to Dean | Carol Davis | Wayward | in process | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Small Gifts | eloise bright | Wayward | translated | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
Tendrils | katriel1987 | Wayward | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Domestic bliss (bonus) | Emilia | Wayward | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Comics - pony series (part 1) | Daunt | Wayward | translated | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
Take Care of Sammy | dodger_winslow | Wayward | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Territorial Dispute | eloise_bright | Wayward | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
To destroy me and you | esohpe | Wayward | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
He Ain't Heavy | Carol Davis | Wayward | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
Who We Are | sour-louise | Wayward | translated | SPN | 19.12.2009 |
Put That Thing Back Where It Came From (or so help me) | vorpalblades | Wayward | in process | RPS | 19.05.2010 |
Can't look back to see | essenceofmeanin | windsor_tie | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
This Place is Haunted | ebolacrisis | windsor_tie | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Keepsake | belyste | in process | SPN | 10.09.2008 | |
There's gotta be a punch line in here somewhere | lyra_wing | translated | SPN | 24.03.2010 | |
Did Tell You How Lucky You Are? | karmicunderpath | translated | RPS | 24.03.2010 | |
Asking for directions | Catherine Winner | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 | |
Simple mistake | Catherine Winner | translated | SPN | 24.03.2010 | |
Tundra | Blynnk | Айнур | in process | RPS | 23.02.2011 |
Nolo Contendere | dreamlittleyo | Аноним | in process | SPN | 21.05.2009 |
Moths on the mirror | fleshflutter | Аноним | in process | SPN | 01.06.2009 |
So, Two Guys Walk Into A Bar… | unperfectwolf (rememberbefore) | Аноним | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
My Favorite Things | zebraljb | Аноним | in process | SPN | 01.06.2009 |
I feel flames again | fleshflutter | анонимно | in process | SPN | 27.07.2011 |
Personification | ruefulgirl | анонимное мероприятие | in process | SPN | 23.02.2011 |
Forever Am I | finn21 | анонимное мероприятие | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
jRobot | sandymg | Анонимное мероприятие | in process | RPS | 05.07.2011 |
Heroes for Ghosts | gaelicspirit | анонимное мероприятие | in process | SPN | 19.04.2011 |
Sky Pictures | idri-fic | Байки | in process | RPS | 05.05.2010 |
The Excellent Glass of the Body | roque_clasique | Байки | in process | SPN | 07.02.2010 |
Four Times Becky Called Chuck, and One Time He Called Her | chash | Байки | in process | SPN | 07.02.2010 |
The common fate of all | gretazreta | Байки | in process | RPS | 28.12.2009 |
Mad World | memphis86 | Байки | in process | RPS | 28.12.2009 |
Sam Winchester's Guide to The "Unforgivables" | burnfor and thrdstrike | Байки | in process | SPN | 28.12.2009 |
Hidden Treasures | astri13 | Байки | in process | SPN | 28.12.2009 |
Smart People Who Do Dumb Things | Candle Beck | Байки | in process | SPN | 28.12.2009 |
I'll Kill You, Honeymuffin | silentpoetry1 | Байки | translated | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
Mirror Mirror on the Wall: Chapter 1 - The Siren's Call | hearseeno | Байки | in process | SPN | 02.01.2010 |
That Frenzy of Mutual Possession | balefully | Байки | in process | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Apocalypse: Cancelled | jeyhawk | Байки | in process | RPS | 26.12.2009 |
Watch the Weather Change | paxlux | Байки | in process | SPN | 26.12.2009 |
How Becky Totally Saved the World Without Becoming a Mary Sue | girl_wonder | Байки | in process | SPN | 07.02.2010 |
SFX Magazine, issue 180, March 2009 | Nicholas Knight, Sandy Auden | Байки | translated | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
The Tale of the Snail | Jay Tryfanstone | Байки-3 | in process | RPS | 25.03.2011 |
Just This Good | Miss Kitty E. | Байки-3 | in process | SPN | 26.11.2008 |
The Last of the Romantics | balefully | Байки-3 | in process | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
So let me set the battlements on fire | calamitycrow | Байки-3 | in process | RPS | 24.11.2010 |
Keep Coming Around | Miss Kitty E. | Байки-3 | in process | RPS | 24.11.2010 |
Roads Well Traveled | indysaur | Байки-3 | in process | RPS | 16.12.2010 |
we could be heroes | missyjack | Байки-3 | in process | SPN | 14.12.2010 |
We Could Be Heroes (Just For One Day) | alasse | Байки-3 | in process | RPS | 16.02.2011 |
They're Killer | sammyndeansgrl1 | Байки-3 | in process | RPS | 06.12.2010 |
Kite Songs | ladytelemachus | Байки-3 | in process | SPN | 14.04.2011 |
The Tale of Teenie Weenie Deanie (And His Brother, the Meanie) | Maychorian | Байки-3 | in process | SPN | 21.04.2011 |
He's A Regular Mr. Mom | deviant_dev | Байки-3 | in process | RPS | 25.04.2011 |
The Sky's Gonna Break | smallnstealthy & invaderwitch | Биг-Бэнг 2011 | in process | SPN | 05.06.2011 |
Wedding Date | SassKitten | Вида Гойя | in process | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
I do a good imitation of me | KnM | Вида Гойя | translated | SPN | 11.04.2009 |
Family Affairs | Astri | Вида Гойя | translated | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Grapes of Wrath and other Forbidden Fruit | Astri | Вида Гойя | in process | RPS | 11.04.2009 |
Off the script | Jas Masson | Вида Гойя | in process | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
Twisted Proposal | Teand | Вида Гойя | in process | RPS | 11.04.2009 |
Defect | Kikkimax | Вида Гойя | in process | SPN | 11.04.2009 |
What Isn't and What Could Be | Slashboyz | Вида Гойя | translated | RPS | 27.07.2008 |
Support and Freedom | lazy_daze | Вонг | translated | SPN | 17.12.2010 |
Your Brains Are No Match For My Tractorbeam | poor_choices (longsufferingly) | Вонг | in process | RPS | 05.07.2011 |
The Distracted Artist | dragonspell | Вонг | in process | RPS | 24.11.2010 |
Career Choices | dragonspell | Вонг | translated | RPS | 17.12.2010 |
Aural | lazy_daze | Вонг | in process | RPS | 09.01.2011 |
Empathy | dragonspell | Вонг | translated | SPN | 24.11.2010 |
Boardroom Boredom | dragonspell | Вонг | translated | RPS | 17.12.2010 |
Can You Blame Me? | dragonspell | Вонг | translated | RPS | 17.12.2010 |
The Air In Between | kellifer | Гость | in process | RPS | 23.02.2011 |
All Fired Up, This Soul | cherie_morte | Гость | in process | SPN | 02.03.2011 |
Learning To Fly | kellifer | Гость | in process | SPN | 23.02.2011 |
Forgetting To Fall | kellifer | Гость | in process | SPN | 23.02.2011 |
Keep Our Minds on the Sum of Each Other | lazy_daze | Дживьян | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Important Angel Business | entangled_now | Дживьян | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Weekly World News | entangled_now | Дживьян | in process | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Spectacular, Tentacular | lazy_daze | Дживьян | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
When It Crackles | lyra_wing | Дживьян | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Little Brothers | entangled_now | Дживьян | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
Goodbye may seem forever | timewillbe | Дживьян | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Pretty in Pink | belyste | Дживьян | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Stray | entangled_now | Дживьян | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
In The Same Direction | cherie_morte | Дживьян | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Breathing in the Space You've Come to Inhabit | annkiri | Дживьян | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Hero worship | entangled_now | Дживьян | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Драбблы: I am Hero; Birthdays | chash | Дживьян | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Sleeping sacks | Lilith | Зеленый Попугай | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
5 Very Winchester Halloweens | seleneheart | Зеленый Попугай | in process | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Battle of Wishes | DramaQueen469 | Зеленый Попугай | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
...and Jensen slept on the couch | sinful desire | Зеленый Попугай | translated | RPS | 19.05.2010 |
Twas The Night Before Christmas | blueeyedliz | Зеленый Попугай | translated | RPS | 08.06.2010 |
Space invasion | halfshellvenus | Зеленый Попугай | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Reverberate | zoemathemata | Зеленый Попугай | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Tele….sexual | supernaturalslasher | Зеленый Попугай | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Lay where you're laying, don't make a sound | krisd81 | Зеленый Попугай | translated | RPS | 19.05.2010 |
Like a Virgin | supernaturalslasher | Зеленый Попугай | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
Awesomesauce | Evie_Leigh | Зеленый попугай | in process | SPN | 08.06.2010 |
Motel Room from Heck | Lady FoxFire | Зеленый попугай | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Lullaby | MF Luder | Зеленый Попугай | in process | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
You Say It's Your Birthday | MF Luder | Зеленый Попугай | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Close to Home | smidirini | Ис | in process | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Every Me and Every You | runedgirl | Кана Го | translated | SPN | 03.03.2011 |
Absence | britomart_is | Кана Го | translated | SPN | 23.05.2011 |
Wake Up and Fight | gaelicspirit | Кана Го | in process | SPN | 19.10.2011 |
Linger | gaelicspirit | Кана Го | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Five Times Dean Failed, and One Time He Didn't Do Too Badly | scaramouche | капитан пиявка, gleanna | in process | 07.08.2011 | |
Best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep | traveller | Конеко | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Skinning Schrodinger's Cat | lyra_wing | Конеко | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Dark Side of the Moon | fleshflutter | Конеко | translated | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
Scheherezade | rei-c | Конеко | translated | SPN | 31.03.2009 |
The incestuous courtship of the antichrist's bride | fleshflutter | Конеко | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Jensen 2.0 | missyjack | Конеко | translated | RPS | 31.03.2009 |
Under Hill | astolat | Конеко | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
How (not) to live alone | jenadamson | Конеко | translated | RPS | 26.11.2009 |
Let the dust settle | fleshflutter | Конеко | translated | SPN | 31.03.2009 |
No one loves me (not like you do) | fleshflutter | Конеко | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Novena to Saint Anthony | traveller | Конеко | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Precious Maybe | fleshflutter | Конеко | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Options | astolat | Конеко | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Green and Gamboge | sevenfists | Конеко | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
20 Things Sam Winchester Is Not Allowed To Do | deirdre_c | Конеко | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Everything Feels Like the End of the World | poor_choices (longsufferingly) | Кот на подоконнике | translated | RPS | 07.08.2011 |
Faint Stars and Bright Satellite Skies | marishna | Кот на подоконнике | in process | RPS | 14.12.2009 |
Misspelled | cala_jane | Кот на подоконнике | in process | RPS | 07.08.2011 |
Possibilities You Don't Even Know You've Got | poor_choices (longsufferingly) | Кот на подоконнике | in process | RPS | 07.08.2011 |
Semiautomagic | cala_jane | Кот на подоконнике | translated | RPS | 07.08.2011 |
Rent-a-Santa | jeyhawk | Кот на подоконнике | translated | RPS | 07.08.2011 |
Seven Wishes | jeyhawk | Кот на подоконнике | translated | RPS | 07.08.2011 |
Leather | britmandelo | лерна | translated | SPN | 07.02.2010 |
Leave Me Where I Am | withdiamonds | лерна | in process | RPS | 20.07.2008 |
I'll just pretend | iris_scribbles | лерна | in process | RPS | 11.08.2008 |
I don't want to know | iris_scribbles | лерна | in process | RPS | 11.08.2008 |
Can't Point the Way to Your Heart | belyste | лерна | in process | RPS | 07.06.2009 |
Not the way I planned it | iris_scribbles | лерна | in process | RPS | 11.08.2008 |
In Dog Years | not_refined | лерна | translated | RPS | 25.01.2009 |
When Jared drops into his chair... | esorlehcar | лерна | translated | RPS | 25.01.2009 |
Befuddled Bodyguard | hd_obsession | лерна | translated | RPS | 25.01.2009 |
Thoughts like enemies | iris_scribbles | лерна | in process | RPS | 11.08.2008 |
Second Glance | ygrawn | лерна | in process | SPN | 20.07.2008 |
You're The Whip In My Valise | memphis86 | лерна | translated | RPS | 11.08.2008 |
John Finds Out | James | лерна | translated | SPN | 25.01.2009 |
That Stockholm Thing | dijisun | лерна | in process | RPS | 29.05.2009 |
Overheard In Vancouver | lazy_daze | лерна | in process | RPS | 22.07.2008 |
Quick and dirty (just the way Dean likes it) | crooked aka pink_faerie81 | Лис | translated | SPN | 21.05.2009 |
Road Rash | inksheddings | Лис | translated | SPN | 26.12.2009 |
An Apple a Day... | inksheddings | Лис | translated | SPN | 26.12.2009 |
Perving on your best friend | norienparker aka dream___on | Маленькая сосна | translated | RPS | 09.01.2011 |
The Puzzle (That Is Me) | felisblanco | Маленькая сосна | translated | RPS | 25.04.2011 |
Backwards to Go | bertee | Маленькая сосна | in process | RPS | 19.10.2011 |
The Fear You Won't Fall | felisblanco | Маленькая сосна | translated | RPS | 20.06.2011 |
POLICE | bloody_adorable and eviltwin | мара333 | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Empty Lots and Early Graves | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
One Hundred Tuesdays (and Nary a Wednesday in Sight) | pyrebi | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
He takes and he takes and he takes | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
New York Will Thaw | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
The Roaring of Lions, the Howling of Wolves | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Objects from the End of Days | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 21.12.2009 |
They're dead, they're all messed up | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | translated | RPS | 04.01.2010 |
I walked a thousand miles just to slip this skin | maerhys | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 28.12.2009 |
Sleep in heavenly peace | fleshflutter | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 14.05.2009 |
This is the winter of our content | maerhys | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 28.12.2009 |
All that we need is too close to be seen | maerhys | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 28.12.2009 |
We burn bright, we’re stars under this harvest moon | maerhys | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 28.12.2009 |
These ghosts are in the city's bones | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 04.01.2010 |
Let the shadows take their toll | maerhys | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 28.12.2009 |
My Other Car is a 6'4" Hunter | smallcaps | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Драбблы: It's In The Eyes; Come Here, Kittykittykitty; Under Your Spell; Combining Kinks. | felisblanco | Мэмфис | translated | RPS | 09.01.2011 |
Your Favourite Innocence | fleshflutter | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 16.04.2010 |
Catalogue of kisses | missyjack | Мэмфис | translated | RPS | 24.02.2009 |
Torches Blazed (And Sacred Chants Were Praised) | cormallen | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 13.06.2011 |
Ad vitam aeternam | fleshflutter | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 14.05.2009 |
Writing To Reach You | dark_reaction | Мэмфис | translated | RPS | 25.01.2009 |
Apocrypha | cormallen | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
It is perfectly complete: you and I | red-handed | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 04.03.2010 |
An Unusual Predicament of Utmost Import | ifyouweremine | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 09.01.2011 |
An Absence of Rain | pyrebi | Мэмфис | in process | RPS | 04.03.2010 |
Драбблы: Heads I win, tails you lose; Sings me my lullaby; Stand up tall and hold the world at bay; Sun is louder than the dust. | oxoniensis (Signe) | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 07.02.2010 |
Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch | TrollPrincess | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 24.02.2009 |
Forty-One Days of Metallicar | bardicvoice | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Patchwork | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
I'll find you even in the dark | fleshflutter | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
I Love the Unknown | finn21 | Мэмфис | translated | RPS | 25.01.2009 |
You'll follow me back with the sun in your eyes | fleshflutter | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 28.01.2010 |
This is What the Wolves Were Doing | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 07.12.2010 |
Via negativa | oxoniensis (Signe) | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Tiny Cities Made of Ashes | hkath | Мэмфис | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Starting for Home | fleshflutter | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Unlimited | philalethia | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Bluebird of happiness | fleshflutter | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
He Ain't Heavy | wanttobeatree | Мэмфис | translated | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Umiyama Koete [Crossing Oceans And Mountains] | chash | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Green Green Are Her Eyes | cormallen | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 12.07.2009 |
If That Horse and Cart Falls Down | chash | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Rubber Ducky (You're the One) | Impertinence | Мэмфис | in process | SPN | 18.06.2009 |
In the valley of the shadow | fleshflutter | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Four months, three weeks, two days | estrella30 | Мэмфис | translated | RPS | 13.06.2009 |
Драбблы: Five Rules; Some Secrets; One Moment Less; Good Son; Why not Me?; What we do; Way of Life; Truth. | CatherineWinner | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 07.02.2010 |
We Burst Into Colors (Colors And Carousels) | lazy_daze | Мэмфис | translated | RPS | 13.06.2011 |
Драбблы: It may come true; Like the rich man and Lazarus; Dude, where's my car?; Elephant in the Corner; You cannot fold a flood; Red boot, blue boot; Non-Euclidean Geometry. | oxoniensis (Signe) | Мэмфис | translated | SPN | 07.02.2010 |
Dread the passing of Jesus for he does not return | fleshflutter | Мэмфис | in process | SPN | 16.04.2010 |
Dictionary for a Dead Language | britomart_is | Мэмфис и панда хель | translated | SPN | 09.12.2010 |
The consequences of falling | pandarus | небо | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Any which way you can | traveller | Неф | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Let It Bleed | traveller | Неф | translated | SPN | 27.07.2008 |
Blood sugar sex magic | torch | Неф | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Angels Gone Wild | tracy_loo_who | Новогодний челлендж | translated | SPN | 27.12.2010 |
Running With Scissors | dreamlittleyo | Новогодняя охота 2011 | in process | SPN | 06.12.2010 |
Getting Lucky | ygrawn | Новогодняя охота 2011 | in process | SPN | 06.12.2010 |
Two Queens | belyste | панда хель | in process | SPN | 24.11.2008 |
Lot Can Happen in An Hour | belyste | панда хель | translated | SPN | 24.11.2008 |
You Made My House A Home | sasskitten and jeyhawk | панда хель | in process | RPS | 24.11.2008 |
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas | James | панда хель | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Be it ever so humble | belyste | панда хель | translated | RPS | 29.08.2008 |
Time Dean was Sam's Girlfriend | fleshflutter | панда хель | translated | SPN | 21.03.2009 |
Just Call me Alexis | jasmasson | панда хель | translated | RPS | 24.11.2008 |
If It Wasn't For You Meddling Kids | Troll Princess | панда хель | translated | SPN | 27.11.2009 |
In Harm’s Way | GatorGrrrl | по направлению к свану | in process | RPS | 05.07.2011 |
The Fireflly that loved Metallica | fleshflutter | Ревейн | in process | SPN | 20.03.2011 |
6.06 coda | fleshflutter | Ревейн | in process | SPN | 20.03.2011 |
Snap! | lazy_daze | Рыжая кошь | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
My Epitaph Will Go | chash | Рыжая кошь | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Tickled | lazy_daze | Рыжая Кошь | translated | RPS | 07.06.2009 |
Fervourless as I | kroki_refur | Рыжая кошь | translated | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
Death of Jensen Ackles | James | Рыжая Кошь | translated | RPS | 29.11.2009 |
Lorem Ipsum | jeyhawk | Рыжая Кошь | translated | RPS | 07.06.2009 |
Yes Sir (I Don't Mean Maybe) | hkath | Рыжая Кошь | translated | RPS | 02.01.2010 |
Couples' Counceling | lazy_daze | Рыжая кошь | in process | SPN | 26.11.2009 |
I Wanna Hold You 'Til I Die | lazy_daze | Рыжая Кошь | translated | SPN | 03.01.2010 |
Gunplay | fleshflutter | Серая Тварь | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Evil!Sam/Dean drabble | fleshflutter | Серая Тварь | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Kings and Queens and Jokers, too | astolat | Сивиспакем | in process | SPN | 18.11.2010 |
Naked Under There | fleshflutter | Сивиспакем | in process | RPS | 18.11.2010 |
Drabbles Watch | Ellia | Сон в летнюю ночь | in process | 16.02.2011 | |
The Sunless Land | lyra_wing | Сон в летнюю ночь | in process | SPN | 14.04.2011 |
Beautiful | dragonspell | Сон в летнюю ночь | translated | RPS | 16.02.2011 |
Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth | krisomniac | Трёхдюймовочка | translated | SPN | 25.06.2009 |
Grim Brothers | mahaliem | Трёхдюймовочка | translated | SPN | 25.06.2009 |
Point of View | mahaliem | Трёхдюймовочка | translated | SPN | 25.06.2009 |
Doll House | kellifer_fic | Трёхдюймовочка | translated | SPN | 25.06.2009 |
Doll Day Afternoon | kellifer_fic | Трёхдюймовочка | translated | SPN | 25.06.2009 |
Dolls Of War (Five Occurences Of A Very Unfortunate Nature) | kellifer_fic | Трёхдюймовочка | translated | SPN | 25.06.2009 |
Born Under A Doll Sign | kellifer_fic | Трёхдюймовочка | translated | SPN | 25.06.2009 |
Two Guys and a Leather Couch: A Love Story | alasse | Уртика | translated | RPS | 21.12.2010 |
Arguing on the Internet Is Like... | chash | Уртика | translated | RPS | 21.12.2010 |
Little, Brothers | paxlux | Уртика | in process | SPN | 21.12.2010 |
An Evil Surprise | sarahlizzie | Уртика | translated | SPN | 21.12.2010 |
Reverse Polarity | sazzlette | Уртика | translated | SPN | 21.12.2010 |
Since I Let Myself Fall | mistyzeo | Фиолетовая Лиса | translated | SPN | 10.05.2011 |
Love That's Gonna Break Me In Two | britomart_is | Фиолетовая Лиса | in process | SPN | 04.09.2011 |
Eat Drink Love | Raina | Фиолетовая Лиса | translated | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
Not Moving Mountains | audrarose | Фиолетовая Лиса | translated | RPS | 25.03.2011 |
No Storm Warning | mistyzeo | Фиолетовая Лиса | translated | SPN | 10.05.2011 |
Thirty-One and Your Work's Not Done | mistyzeo | Фиолетовая Лиса | translated | SPN | 25.03.2011 |
Hometown Boys | peggy_lane | Фиолетовая Лиса | in process | RPS | 04.09.2011 |
Unruffled | nutkin | фрутти | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
With Good Intentions | balefully | фрутти | translated | SPN | 19.05.2010 |
The Green River County Detention Center Experiment (Being Wrong Is a Bitch) | causeways | фрутти | translated | SPN | 06.01.2011 |
The First Annual Padalecki-Ackles Christmastime Extravaganza | walkawayslowly | фрутти | translated | RPS | 06.01.2011 |
Things Change, My Dear | chash | фрутти | translated | RPS | 02.06.2011 |
Драббл: Sam/Dean, beach day | lazy_daze | фрутти | translated | SPN | 24.01.2011 |
Time of the Season | sophie_lane | Хельга Винтер | translated | RPS | 22.07.2008 |
Suspended in My Silver Cage | fleshflutter | Хельга Винтер | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |
Drown and Float Away | fleshflutter | Хельга Винтер | translated | SPN | 22.07.2008 |